the explosion gifs are the number of current blogs on this section 

eleventh blog: web security [2023-08-13]
- hello everyone, sorry for not posting a blog yesterday, if forgot...
- now, to get to the main subject of the blog, web security. how important is web security? well, imagine that everytime you go somewhere on the web, someone is spying on you
- ads play a major role on getting money off you, and can also be used o trick someone into downloading harmful software to their operating system
- this is why i strongly suggest using adblockers, i personally used one, but firefox seems to also have a bulid in one. points for them as firefox seems to be the only browser left that is not based on chromium, which is good
- why? becasue google seems to be wanting to GATEKEEP PEOPLE OUT THE WEB and make more money out of them, by blocking adblockers, thye claimit is for security, but they could mark old OS's or various Linux distro's as "non-safe", and sinch i lately have been thinking about fixing my old pc and putting a linux distro in it, i don't want this to happen,
- now of course, there is some good in that, because bots and malicous actors are a damnation on the web, but blocking of sites for normal people? that is just unacceptable.
- pls, support your adblockers and spyblockers like privacy badger
- end blog11
twelfth blog:sensitivity on the web [2023-08=14]
- i think we all saw the rise of sensitity of the poeple on the net
- like twitter... i remember someone makeing a cool art of the old web saying they miss it, then a random stranger sayed that they prefered being called racial slurs....
- as you have seen from my site and blog, i prefer the old net, why? well you if you have not read blog 3 and 8 and my main site, it is becasue it was decentralized, and there were not many companies on there
- from what i have seen and heard, twitter AND reddit [yeah reddit...] was not always like that, i happened during a event many call: "tumblr exodus",
what is this event? well it happened when tumblr banned all NSFW post on their site, so the artist who drew them moved away, and then the people who viewed their work...
- they migrated to twitter and reddit, and slowly changed them, but of course we cannot talk social media without comapnies suffing their noses into everything.
- not to say old web forums did not have moderation, they had but it was more chill and you had a sense of community in there, something missing on modern web
- end blog 12.
thirteen blog:Plants vs zombies [2023-08-15]
- pvz, i love this game, it's music, it's charm
- i beat the game on my tablet but it had to be facotry reset, i thanfully did bought the Game Of The Year edition, but im to lazy to finish the second adventure, i beat all minigames and i make sure to water the plants in my garden, cuz i need that zombies mula
- kinda suprising that the game after that was facebook game called adventures, did i mind? no, i played that game regardless,sadly is shutted down a year later, but a fan project to revive the game is on
- i myself played that revival project called roadtrip , and while the defense part of the game is in goodway, the part i liked the most which is the section i like ot call "the town section" is not here from when i last played it which is sad but im patient
- i think i went off-road there, so to continue on pvz 1, the game is well, how to say... not very balanced. cat tail dominates pretty much every pool level, gloomshroom also dominates every level, it just need magnet shrooms support, gold magnet is useless unless you kill all zombies on the end expect 1 and farm marigold [i should problably do that]
- i don't really have anything else to say suprisingly
- end blog 13.
fourteenth blog:club penguin [2023-08-18]
- sorry for not making any blogs, posting videos or updateing the site, i forget, ALOT...
- now for the main topic of this blog, our 2000's child playground, club penguin
- everyone in their mother has heard of this game, but if not i will explain it to you made by RocketSnail Games, launching on october 24, 2005, club penguin was a virtual playground and chat room, family friendly, the game wasn't big, afterall some families still used dial-up so it was better to not voerload the game so that many people could still play at reasonable speeds
- like all popular things, it got purchased, by disney. which while im not saying what the MAIN factor of it shutting down it's doors, it did play some part
- the game toughed on for 12 YEARS, which i hve to say i quite impressive for a flash game it's size, the cosmetics, the puffles [puffles were your pets], ALL restriced my membership, the mian factor, you did have some non member clothes but i would say alot of the game was locked behind that pay wall
- the game shutted down in 2017, having a massive "waddle on!" party, you could even tip the iceberg, after it's shutdown disney decided to make a new game, more focused on mobile: "club penguin island", the game was filled with sponsors, paywalls, and it was not popular and soon shutted down, edning the club penguin franchise
- the fans, who missed club penguin, made private servers, but with that, comes problems, moderation, safety, all that other stuff, thjis was shown when disney began striking them down, thankfully it seems that New! club penguin is on stable footing, so everyone can enjoy our penguiny island again
- end blog 14
fifthteen blog: polish side of the web [2023-08-21]
- with the world wide web being well, world wide, you get a ton of diffrent cultures and minds on here, various belives, various lives, all that
- as i you can see on pretty much my whole site, i like the old web, and i like delving into it, some youtube here, some archived geocities page here
- in one of these adventures i delved into the polish side of youtube, and found some interesting things, mainly old videos of someone recording soomeone else doing some weird shit in class, a small prank like pulling the chair from a fat guy, or smasing a chalkboard so hard that it falls to it's side
- there was even a video of a teacher cleaning a chalkboard with a broom, yepp, a broom
- minecraft was also a big part of the old polish youtube experience, minecraft song here, a gameplay video here, one song really got into me, im constantly singing it
- not to say there was not any drama, and while i hate drama and discussing or saying anything 'bout it, it got my interest, apparently back in the day a mod called "minecash" blew up becasue of 2 creators, the mod was a keylogger that some other hackers used to steal minecraft accounts, not to sale them, but to just fuck around with them
- i know this is a poor summary of the events, but the whole thing was a shitstorm of content creators, and it was not my main goal for this blog, the main goal is explaining some of the old polish web to everyone that reads my blogs
- to start with, GG or Gadu-Gadu was a lite communicator, like with winamp, you could customize it with skins, you could write to someone anonymous, make custom statuses, all that, there were emotes [one that was well, probably not appropriate with the fact that KIDS often used GG], as the years gone by, gg lost it popularity, because the owners of GG during those times, that bloated GG with features that the people did not want, it also gained a reputation for being filled with PEDOs, and the rise of other communicators [fact: i managed to find a working copy in one of my family's old CD'S, all files were from an old pc]
- now to talk about some old social media, the topic i hate talking about, but i think i would have used atleast one of these back then, im gonna talk about 2, Epuls and NaszaKlasa [OurClass], the downfall of both was the rise of new social media
- Epuls was a social media site that like myspace would let you allow to customzie your page with basic HTML [this is the site that i could problably bear to use back then], you could create a mini-diary and let's not forget what every social media has, the ability to post photos, the site was intented for people years 20, the was this point system, and "battle system" which was who could submit the best photo, the site downfall was the rise of other sociala media and a change of the site looks
- NaszaKlasa [NK,OurClass] was a site intended for people to find eachother from school years and renew contact, tho soon it would grow and have some small games for the people to play with. You could assign yourselfs to schools, like a list, and that concept would grow to encapsulate military units, scout organizations, you could assign yourself a role, student teacher or guest. You could also just search their name, last name, age, geder, localization and pseudonym, you could send gifs to someones profile, [usually paid], look at their images, comment on their profile, there was a email and a communicator called NKtalk, of course you could set you status and all that, they made a mikroblog called śledzik [later renamed to wpisy, {entires}, the main reason for the downfall like the other 2 was the rise of modern social media and other problems, like protectiong personall daa, forceing people to pay for once free functions, and invasive adds, and the new user agreement that forced the user to consent the images of people with their name, last name, or pseudonym
- end blog 15
sixteenth blog:SpaceHey [2023-09-21]
- i want to apologize for not makeing new blogs for a LONG time, i just didn't know what to write about, but now i have found something
- those who are reading my blogs will know about MySpace, the legendary social media platform from 2003,and while i HATE MODERN social media, i do not hate what myspace ways
- the reason? being able to express yourself, through HTML, you could add custom backgrounds, have diffrent colored text, generally everything a modern social media platform dosen't have becasue of it pandering to mobile users
- i created a profile, it has the same name as my bitview channel, so it should not be hard to find it
- i recommend making a profile there, if you like to have more customizeability in your profiles
- end blog 16
sevententh blog:instant messengers [2023-10-20]
- AOL insant messenger, Yahoo instant mesenger, MSN, and the 2 messengers from my countryside, GaduGadu and NKtalk. what do they all have in common? they were replaced by new messenging apps like messenger, whatsup and other. altho GaduGadu exists and MSN IS IN someway still alive, most of these are long dead, altho, fans of these have made servers that the instant messengers can use to still function, well except NKtalk, seems not a whole lot used it, ot atleast cared enough for it
- i only used GaduGadu since that was what my friends and classmates used, not to say i did not hear of the others, but GG was also good, and besides, i wasn't very good at talking online to people i did not know, safety first, always...
- instant messengers were pretty much a nessecity back then, as you did not need to PHYSICALLY talk to people, so appealing to me plus, most of the people USED them, so it was a nice way of meeting poeple online. short texts? nope, you don't get their attention, you ain't talking to them unless you are their friend
- emojis were also slowly starting to appear and replace text faces, but i have to say that there is this weird cahrm from old emojis that i don't see in the new ones, maybe it's nostalgia that blinding me, or maybe the artstyle, and besides, some emojis would problably NOT BE MADE TODAY.
- AOL instant messenger was the first isntant messenger to allow for unlimited file shareing if i remember, so wnated to send a cool mp3 or a image? well you no longer have to write an email for them. there were also chatrooms but they disabled that feature for fear of PEDOs, understandable
- end blog 17
eighteenth blog:youtube blocking adblockers [2023-12-21]
- merry christmas! i hadn't made any blogs becasue i was extremly busy, and kept forgetting to make them, but here we are.
- so as many of you could have heard, youtube is blocking adblockers, with some attempts being succesfull and some not, as they have entered an armsrace with adblock creators to see who can win
- if you have not known, i use firefox, and google decided to make a 5 second delay before a video loads, tho from what i heard it also might be on other browsers
- im only staying on youtube because my favorite people to watch are here, there is also the thing that a lot of old content is on here, but other than those 2 reasons, i have no more reassons to stay
- as you can read from previous blogs, i heavily support adblockers, for security reasons, but also the fact that a lot of platforms that have videos, shit ads on them. another well known reason is scam ads, as google dosen't like to moderate ads do they?
- the shitton of ads on videos are whats making people go for adblockers. some adds are so damn long, and someof these can be paired in TWO. if that dosen't make you wanna use an adblocker, idk what is!
- end of blog 18
- PS: im making a snippets page, for things i missed in blogs