Welcome to my Website!

as the name suggests, this is gonna be my blog!

i hope you all enjoy your stay here, be it short or long!

this my own little corner of the web, there might be no layout but oh well, i like to embrace the chaos of the web, not to say i don't like things organized, but the early web with it's html coding just really hits me

sorry for spamming gifs, i just wanted to make the page more moving, but well, this is my page so you cannot do anything 'bout it :p

this site can be hosted by the wonderfull people at:

this is a list of the things i like and are passionate about:

i love rts games ,hate rushes EXPECT cannon rushes

i decided to make a guestbook, if you don't value your privacy, state your country but i recommend not doing it, afterall, modern web is full weird and malicious people