the explosion gifs are the number of current blogs on this section

First blog: bitview [2023-08-03]
- i recently found the website bitview, the site, given it's old look interested me, so i decided to see what i had to offer
- what i found was a small community posting videos for fun, not like youtube where creators make videos for money not fun unlike old times
- so i decided to start posting videos on there to, just for fun like so many others on that site, both new and some old videos
- end blog1.
second blog: flash games [2023-08-03]
- flash games were my favorite games to play, problably for you to, aslong as you had flash installed, you could play them all day
- my pc was really good back in the day, but i did not know that and continued to play flash games along with other web games
- not to say i only played flash games, i did have and still have games on CD's that i play, but mostly stuck to them
- end blog2.
third blog: modern web [2023-08-03]
- lately i have been looking around this site and looked back at the current web and notice how souless, corporate and devoid of personality it is
- unlike web 1.0 that was led by the users , web 2.0 is led by corps
- everything is centralized, now of course i like having things being in one place, and that would not be a problem if you could personalize more
- most modern websites like twitter sorry i mean X, youtube, only really allow you to custom your banner and profile icon, but not the rest of the page, you need extensions for that
- you also have to abide by the platform rules, im not saying we should not have rules, but some of these rules are VERY STRICT when not neeted to
- same with the communities, like you say ONE wrong thing on X and over sensitive people are already offended
- overall, not a very good expierence
- end blog3.
fourth blog: ninja kiwi archive [2023-08-04]
- so i decided to play some bloons after all the years i have not played, mainly btd5 cuz i enjoyed playing it [not to say i did not enjoy all the previous games], decided to go with the archives version becasue it wwas the one i played, i remembered the login i made for my ninja kiwi archive [idk why happened to my original one so i used the most modern login i remembered] and decided to check it out, apparently, all the challenge are broken makeing me unable to play them [WHICH SUCKS].
- so i decided to see the other games, apparently the account im using never played thoses so i had to replay btd 4 for all the towers ut it was not hard
- overall had a good time enjoying these games even if some aspects were broken, and damn do i hate those bloons!
- also can we talk about how a LITERAL GOD cannot see a bloon covered in dirts and mud without a VILLAGE WITH RADAR
- end blog4.
fifth blog: hypercam [2023-08-04]
- hypercam, the free software used back in the day to record gameplay, most of the time either tutorials, or just raw gameplay, most remember seeing "unregistered hypercam 2" in the upper left corner, caused by recording the video while having your copy of hypercam unregistered
- i myself use it, mostly to record footage for bitview, but sometimes i just send it to my low number of friends [the version of hypercam im using is 2.14.01]
- from what i seen, there are lots of sites that offer free versions, but remember that those could contain viruses and other stuff you would not want on ya pc so be carefull
- end blog5.
sixth blog:Bonzi software [2023-08-05]
- Bonzi software inc was founded by Joe & Jay Bonzi
- it's first popular app was Voicemail 4.0, it then made internet boost 99 then internet alert 99, and finally the product they are most known for, BonziBUDDY
- Bonzi's first appearence was of Peddy the parrot from the pack that microsoft made, but were forced to make their own agent character [fun fact: the version of bonzi that used Peddy aka 2.0 can work with 3.0, the version where bonzi's famous look first originated]
- as said in the fun fact, the first version of BonziBUDDY to use he infamous purple gorrila was 3.0
- Bonzibuddy WAS Spyware and adware, it made popup-adds that looked like real windows alerts, but were forced to clarify that those were adds in a lawsuit. from what it is now, Bonzi is safe as those servers that runned the adds, were closed in 2008, the owners decided to trample the dead gorilla's corpse by turning him into NFT's.
- there are websites that offer bonzi, mainly it just downloads the Bonzi432 zip file [the zip file contains all 3 major versions of bonzi, 2.0, 3.0, 4.1 nad BonziKill, a program used to kill the agent, tho it is also problably a tool to destroy your pc], like i said in the hypercam blog, be carefull what you download on the net, cuz whatever version of bonzi you are using, it could have had malicious code added, which is also problably why many people recommend using a virtual machine to test/use him
- this was quite a long blog
- end blog6.
seventh blog: hacked flash game sites [2023-08-06]
- if you played flash games, you atleast stumbled into one of them, maybe arcadeprehacks or other
- offering hacked flash games to enjoy, depending on the game, if it was a strategy games, then cash, if it was a rpg, exp etc.
- from what i've heard, the flash games on there were placed there without permission, which sucks, like in the csase of The Worlds Hardest Game, once the sites got their hand on it, the global leaderboard was fludded with cheated runs, mainly because of the skip level cheat
- i will admit i did play them on arcadeprehacks, but never submitted online scores, cuz that would ruin others fun
- end blog7.
eight blog: youtube [2023-08-07]
- i mentioned youtube in blog3, but i wanted to get a more in-depth look at that
- while in modern youtube you can only customize your banner, back in 2010-2011 you could customize, pretty much everything on your channel page, you could add links, customize the WHOLE background
- another thing was that youtubers made content for FUN not MONEY, i have a feeling that when that change happened, everything was slowly rotting
- of course, im not saying there is no more good youtbers, there are, but most of the modern content is just optimized for the algorithm
- like for example, Alan becker, he makes god like animations and story with only stick figures who rarely talk
- another thing about modern youtube is how STRICT it is, you can't even curse in videos becasue it deems them, "not advertiser friendly" and becasue kids are watching those videos, when they should be on youtube kids.
- end blog8.
[2023-08-08] i'll do a break from editing this site and adding new blogs, for how long? idk...
[2023-08-10] im back! the the reaon for the break were problems in my life but those have been fixed so i will return to making videos on bitview and addiing new blogs!
ninth blog:io games [2023-08-10]
- io games, io games, everyone played atleast one of these, would it be agario or slitherio or some other modern io game
- sometimes when im bored, i hop in to slither or agar and play a few minutes, not to say there are no problems
- agar is infested with bots [atleast in experimental where i play], and slither just became boring after you grow to a maximum
- my personall favorite was bloble io, mainly cuz it was a strategy games, but also becasue it was fun, i was never that good at it sadly, adn it shut down, but idk when...
- from what i have seen and heard, most modern io games have fake multiplayer, filling the map with bots instead of players, to makeing it seems like the games is popular. hole is a prime example of this.
- end blog9.
tenth blog:gmod aka garry's mod [2023-08-11]
- if you've been on the web for the past decade, you've seen this game or the animations made in it
- whole point of the game is that it is a big sandbox, that filled with how many games made in source you had insalled on ya pc
- kinda impresive how with the limited tools to animate that gmod provided, but of course, they were kinda clanky
- but there was a charm that you can see today in source animations, but most of them are done on source filmmaker
- i've never really tried animation in gmod, perhaps i should try, but i think that is for another time...
- end blog10.